Less well known than green or redclay, white clay is an ally of choice in cosmetics! Softening, anti-septic, anti-inflammatory… Focus on its many benefits,both for the body and the hair! Each clay corresponds to a...
What night routine for my skin?
Your skin also needs rest! The products you will apply before you sleep, will help you look good all day

Recipe of green clay purifying mask
Among the timeless treatments that can easily fit into a beauty routine and this, all year round, the purifying face

Face mask recipe rebalancing to green clay
To have a unified complexion and clean skin throughout the year, it is important to adopt a good facial routine.

A little ritual to take care of your skin gently and get it ready for the first rays of summer.

Pink clay, ideal for looking good
Women have been using clay in their beauty routines for hundreds of years. Each colour has its benefits. Here’s a