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Yellow clay, the ally of mixed to oily skins

argile jaune pour les peaux mixtes

Vous connaissez déjà l’argile verte, blanche et rouge ? Il est temps de découvrir l’argile jaune ! Connue pour ses propriétés tonifiantes, lissantes et exfoliantes, elle sait prendre soin des peaux mixtes à grasses !

Sa composition est très proche de l’argile verte. Pourtant, moins riche en oxyde de fer que cette dernière, elle ne fait subir aucun tiraillement à la peau. Douce et purifiante, elle sait prendre soin de votre minois et de votre corps. On vous dit tout !

L’argile jaune, d’où vient-elle ?

Egalement appelée argile illite jaune surfine, elle est extraite des carrières françaises. 100% naturelle, elle a trouvé une place de choix en cosmétique. Elle peut notamment s’utiliser sous forme de masques, de cataplasmes, de poudres et même de savons !

Naturellement riche en fer, en minéraux, et en oligo-éléments,  elle va agir sur votre peau avec douceur.

Ses bienfaits pour le corps 

Grâce à ses propriétés purifiantes et exfoliantes, l’argile jaune est une source de bien-être pour notre corps et notre visage. Elle va être capable de resserrer les pores, tout en éliminant les impuretés.

Alliée des peaux sensibles, elle va prendre soin d’elles avec douceur. Les impuretés et les rougeurs vont disparaître au fil des masques.

Et ce n’est pas tout ! L’argile illite jaune va être un anti-ride de choix. Plutôt pas mal pour votre joli minois, non ? 

Comme toutes les autres argiles, ses propriétés naturelles permettent d’apaiser naturellement les petites douleurs du quotidien.

Sans oublier les cheveux !

L’argile jaune est aussi bénéfique pour le corps que pour les cheveux ! Elle va notamment redonner vie à des cheveux fragilisés et cassants. Elle va absorber l’excès de sébum et les impuretés.

Do it yourself : argile jaune, miel 

Elle se mélange parfaitement avec le miel ! Ensemble, ils vont redonner vie à votre épiderme, et vous aurez une peau de bébé juste après le rinçage. Il vous suffit de mélanger :

  • Une cuillère à soupe d’argile jaune
  • Une cuillère à soupe de miel
  • Ajoutez quelques gouttes d’eau florale pour l’hydratation. Eau de rose, de camomille ou encore de fleur d’oranger, à vous de choisir selon vos goûts et vos envies. Si vous n’en n’avez pas, l’eau minérale ira très bien aussi.

Laissez ensuite poser le masque 30 minutes sur votre visage, avant de rincer à l’eau tiède.

Sachez que cette préparation maison peut aussi être appliquée sur les cheveux, pour les rendre plus souples, plus brillants et moins cassants.

Sélection de produits Argiletz

Masque à l’argile jaune

Ce masque est parfait pour offrir aux cellules de votre visage une nouvelle jeunesse. Riche en oligo-éléments ainsi qu’en minéraux, il va venir exfolier votre peau, avec une grande douceur !


Il suffit d’en mettre quelques poignées dans votre bain pour ressortir immédiatement une sensation de calme et de sérénité. L’argile va purifier votre peau pendant que vous ne penserez qu’à une chose : vous détendre !


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Green clay or white clay: What to choose for your skin?


Clay is a natural rock with many absorption and adsorption properties. It has been used for centuries for its virtues on the epidermis and hair. Soft and delicate, it works deeply to take care of your skin, beautify it, purify it and sanitize it. Each clay color is pure and natural.

Coloured clays have unique properties of their own: Green, white, red clay but also yellow, pink orghassoul clay. Of all these colors, green clay and white clay are the most used in the world. What makes them so popular? When do you use them? Focus on these two clays, their properties and their use, to understand their interest according to your needs and your skin type.

[title text=”What are the properties of green clay?” tag_name=”h2″]

Greenclayis by far the most used in the world of care and cosmetics. It has countless properties: it alone contains all the existing minerals and fabulous absorption and adsorbtion properties.

In perfect synergy with your skin, this clay adapts to all skin types: it rebalances all skins, detoxifies mixed skin, soothes sensitive skin, illuminates tired complexions and purifies oily skin.

In regular application, your skin will gradually regain all its serenity.

[title text=”Green clay for all skins”]

Green clay is an unstoppable ally if you want to thoroughly purify and detoxify your skin. This clay is the richest in minerals and trace elements essential for the skin. It contains mainly calcium, magnesium, potassium, silica, zinc, sodium, and copper, which are essential for remineralizing the skin and nourishing it deeply.

Its structure allows green clay to be ultra absorbent and gently eliminate excess sebum for a moment of pure well-being.

It also exfoliates the epidermis and removes all impurities (dust, toxins, dead cells, etc.). Its purifying action cleanses, tightens pores, and unifys the complexion for fresher, more radiant skin.

Awaken your senses with a soft, fresh and enveloping clay mask with results that will convince you of its natural long-term effectiveness. Fishing skin effect guaranteed.

A true restorative gesture,illite green clay is respectful of all epidermis.

[title text=”Fighting imperfections with green clay”]

Illite green clay is the richest in minerals and trace elements. At Argiletz, we are committed to offering you clays that adapt to every moment of your life: Powder, pate, strips, crushed, pieces… Every situation, its clay.

So, whatever its shape, it has undeniable virtues for the skin. It is particularly softening, purifying, and regenerating. Enough to regain a fresh and clear complexion without having to use products with controversial composition. At Argiletz, our clays are guaranteed to be dried in the sun, 100% natural, without dyes or preservatives.

[ux_products style=”normal” ids=”239″] [title text=”What are the properties of white clay?” tag_name=”h2″]

Used in SPA and health centers, white clay is very soft and neutral thanks to its Ph. It is ideal for dull skin to which it will restore shine. It works wonders on dull and sensitive skin.

[title text=”White clay for dull and sensitive skin – Finding a fresh, radiant complexion”]

Whiteclay,also called kaolinite, has a high content of silica and some minerals essential for the skin and hair. It is less absorbent than green clay but has softening and purifying properties.

Its neutral Ph makes it particularly suitable for dull and reactive skin that requires special attention. Applied as a mask, it softens and remineralizes the epidermis without attacking it.

Thanks to its softening, calming and decongestant virtues, white clay cleanses, rebalances and detoxifies the skin.

It delicately removes impurities. It is the unstoppable beauty ally if one wishes a more unified complexion.

As you will have understood, green clay is the most suitable treatment for all skins to eliminate any form of imperfection. It will lighten your skin and give it unparalleled vitality. If you have dull or sensitive skin, and want to enjoy the same advantages as green clay, the solution is to orient yourself towards the white agile. It is undoubtedly the most suitable for this type of epidermis.

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Recipe of green clay purifying mask


Among the timeless treatments that can easily fit into a beauty routine and this, all year round, the purifying face mask is definitely the one you should choose! Ideal regardless of the season, it aims to thoroughly cleanse the skin and sanitize it, so that the grain is smoother and sharper. Made with100% natural and healthy ingredients for your skin, our home-made purifying mask recipe is easy to make for a result that will appeal to you for sure.

[title text=”What ingredients to make this purifying mask?” tag_name=”h2″]

As you know, we attach great importance to having your skin (this also applies to your hair and body!) to be nourished with ingredients that wish you well. That’s why this recipe consists of natural ingredients that are easy to find. It only takes a few minutes to prepare this mask and you will need only a few materials: an earth or glass bowl, a wooden spatula and you’re done.


  • 2 tablespoons green clay
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon liquid honey Mineral water
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Mix all the ingredients in the bowl until the dough is smooth, homogeneous and liquid enough to be applied to your face with your fingers. If you don’t havepowdered green clay,you can replace it with ready-to-use clay. In this case, the proportion of mineral water added to the different ingredients will have to be reduced.

Once the preparation is complete, spread a thin layer of dough over your entire face, except around the eyes, and let the mask work for 10 to 15 minutes. Be careful not to let the mask dry,at the risk that the clay will lose some of its benefits. To do this, bring a mist or a wet sponge that you can keep handy.

Finally, when the time is up, rinse your skin thoroughly with clear water and admire the result!

[title text=”What are the effects on the skin?” tag_name=”h2″]

Illite green clay is a natural rock known around the world for its benefits on the skin. It absorbs excess sebum,removes impurities and remineralizes the epidermis. It also acts on the complexion, which it standardizes and helps tighten dilated pores.

Lemon juice has purifyingproperties. Its acidity helps regulate the production of sebum and fights against blackheads.

Honey is known for its purifying and moisturizingaction. Rich in minerals and vitamins, its nickname “nectar of the gods” speaks volumes about the various benefits for the skin.

We advise you to make this mask once a week and to associate it with our pink clay day cream.

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Face mask recipe rebalancing to green clay


To have a unified complexion and clean skin throughout the year, it is important to adopt a good facial routine. If the daily application of a moisturizer adapted to your skin type as well as a natural makeup remover is sometimes not enough to maintain a perfect skin texture, our recipe for rebalancing mask will allow you to get a new look in just 10 minutes! Simple and effective, it consists of natural and healthy ingredients that you can easily buy (if they are not already in your closets!).

[title text=”What are the ingredients for making the face rebalancing mask?” tag_name=”h2″]

Excess sebum, peeling, irregularities, enlarged pores… Whatever the problem you face, when it comes to taking care of your face, keep in mind the adage “Less is More”: few ingredients for targeted action. That’s why we’ve created a simple recipe, inspired by the best that nature has to offer. In this rebalancing mask recipe, you’ll need only 3 ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon green clay powder
  • 1 plain yoghurt
  • Thyme infusion
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Mix all ingredients until smooth and silky. The clay reacts to contact with metal and plastic. To preserve all the properties of green clay, prefer glass or earthy utensils and containers for your preparations.

The small one: it is possible to replace powdered green clay with ready-to-use green clay, available in tube or berlingot! In this case, greatly reduce the proportion of thyme infusion added to the preparation.

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Then apply the preparation to your entire face evenly. Be sure to avoid the eye area, where the skin is thinner and more sensitive.

Leave on for 10 minutes, then rinse with clear water.

[title text=”What are the effects on the skin?” tag_name=”h2″]

Green clay is a natural rock known around the world for its many virtues on the skin. Rich in minerals and trace elements, it can nourish but also purify, reduce pores and eliminate excess sebum. It gives a new lease of life to all skin types, including oily skin.

Did you know that? Our green clay is the only one in France to be dried in the sun. This unique process is the only way to preserve all the properties of clay.

Yogurt has nourishing properties and will moisturize the skin deeply while respecting the epidermis thanks to its mild pH.

Finally, thyme infusion is known for its purifying and antiseptic action. It is ideal for skin with imperfections.

As you will have understood, our recipe for a rebalancing face mask is simple (but effective!) so that you can easily integrate it into your beauty routine. We recommend that you do it 1x a week to keep your skin soft and smooth.

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